Going on vacation is mostly an enchanting prospect.
However, organizing a responsible vacation does not protect you
unfortunately no more than other travelers from the many hazards that can come and obscure that can come and obscure this long-awaited moment (cancellation, loss of luggage luggage, theft, illness, accident...). And travel insurance is often relegated to the back burner until something goes wrong.
Today, we are not talking about sustainable tourism or eco responsible hotels.
I have decided to talk about the hazards of travel or rather travel insurance. So yes, I understand that when we talk about we don't want to think about the negative side, it's really not fun. not fun. However, you really shouldn't put them aside. And here, I'm talking about experience! I myself had the opportunity,
unfortunately, to use travel insurance twice: once for a repatriation for a repatriation, once for a cancellation before leaving. And when it happens I assure you that we are happy to be well covered.
Obviously nothing is compulsory and I absolutely do not wish to push you to consumption. I just want you to have all the I just want you to have all the cards in your hands to organize your next vacation with peace of mind.
When you have all the information, it is always easier to make the decision that suits you best.
Why buy travel insurance?
Which travel insurance should I choose?
What is travel insurance?
What is cancellation insurance?
What travel insurance is included with your credit card?
What is travel insurance ?
What is the cancellation insurance ?
What travel insurance is included with your credit card?
Chapka travel insurance
Presentation of Chapka Insurance
Cap Explorer
What travel insurance does the Covid cover?
How to get travel insurance ?
This article was written with our partner Chapka Assurance, in order to allow you, if you wish, to leave completely serene. With the period we are going through, it is more than necessary to make sure we are well covered.
Why buy travel insurance?
As I said before, no matter where and how we decide to spend our vacations, we can all suffer inconveniences.
Health problems
In France
For your vacations in France, it's quite simple. No matter where you are you are, you will be covered. Nevertheless, don't forget your card Vitale and mutual insurance card when you leave, this will make the process easier.
It is abroad that it gets complicated. Follow the guide:
In Europe
In order to benefit from the public health care system of your destination country
your destination country, you should have your European Health Insurance Card
health insurance card (EHIC). This card can be ordered directly from your Ameli account, here.
Outside Europe
In this case, it can be very expensive. Indeed, you are not covered by a health insurance and, depending on the country where you are, the the bill can go up very quickly. Just to give you an example, a day hospitalization in New York can cost up to $10,000 US.
Other inconveniences
Remember that your health insurance will not cover you for any other problems that may arise during your vacation:
repatriation if you need it or if a loved one dies or is hospitalized
theft of your papers, means of payment and/or luggage
civil liability
It is strongly advised to check your contracts or to subscribe to a specific insurance.
Which travel insurance should I choose?
What is travel insurance?
To put it simply, travel insurance will cover you both financially financially as well as materially for all the problems which could happen during your stay. It will cover you for all the problems problems mentioned above. The point to check is the cancellation which can be an additional option.
It is important to note that :
its duration is therefore limited to the duration of your vacation and that the
the amount will depend on the level of coverage chosen, the destination, the amount of the amount of expenses incurred and/or the duration of your stay.
The subscription can be done until the day before your departure except if it includes
The subscription can be done until the day before the departure except if it includes the cancellation insurance (see next paragraph). Did you forget to do it before leaving? Don't panic, you can do it on the spot but there will be a waiting period to take into account.
What is cancellation insurance?
This insurance allows you to have peace of mind and to
your money back in the event of any cancellation of your trip before departure departure for any reason. These reasons are numerous:
Personal reasons: serious illness, accident, death, divorce...
External reasons: refusal of tourist visa, natural disaster, modification or suppression of the vacations by your employer, redundancy transfer, theft from your home or business premises, etc. professional premises
For this type of insurance, it is necessary to subscribe as soon as possible following the purchase of your tickets/travel (timeframe varies depending on the insurance).
What travel insurance is included with your credit card?
Suivant le type de carte bancaire dont vous êtes détenteur, vous
bénéficiez également d’une couverture, si et seulement si vous avez
réglé les dépenses liées à vos vacances avec cette carte. Pensez-y au
moment de vos réservations.De plus, voici quelques informations à connaitre :
Maximum stay of 90 days
Only your spouse and children will be covered. So if you are going with friends, it is better that each of you book on your own, if it is a complete stay, or at least the transport tickets, if you book your vacations by your own means. As for the rentals (accommodation, car...), only the person who has paid will be insured.
Medical expenses are capped between €11 and €30,000 for a classic bank card €150,000 for a Visa Premier or Gold Mastercard
Between €11 and €30,000 for a standard bank card
150 000 € for a Visa Premier or Gold Mastercard
If you practice sports that are considered risky, such as scuba diving, you will not be covered
Chapka Assurance travel insurance
Before presenting them to you in more detail, I think it is important to explain why I chose Chapka Assurance.
First of all, because they are specialized in travel. They know
They know all the problems encountered on the tips of their fingers.
They have been around for almost 20 years. When you are ultra specialized like that
that way, if you are still there after that time, it is for me a
a guarantee of seriousness. I can only hope that they will be around for many years to come. many years.
I find that their offers are well adapted to all situations
travelers: vacations of less than 3 months, world tours or long stays. long stays. They also have dedicated insurance for expats, study abroad, internships abroad, internships, business trips...
I looked on the Avis Vérifiés website and the results concerning this
provider are good. On the 897 reviews left during the last 12 months
months and this in spite of Covid, the note obtained is 9,5/10 with 96,4% of
of positive reviews.
The 5th and last reason is more suggestive and you will have to trust me but the
trust me but the people with whom I had the opportunity to exchange
to exchange beforehand for the setting up of this partnership have all been were all friendly, competent and responsive. This led me to believe that that this is the state of mind of the company. So, even though we can't be 100% sure be 100% sure, I decided to trust them. All your feedback (well, I hope they won't be that many, that would mean big that would mean big glitches around your vacations and I don't want that! I don't want that!) will be welcome to confirm or deny my choice.
However this is only a proposal and other providers exist, do not hesitate to
do not hesitate to consult them and to compare if you have specific specific needs.
Presentation of Chapka Assurances

As I told you before, Chapka Assurances exists since 2002. The company belongs to the AON France Group. It is not an insurance company but a broker who will intervene between you and the insurance companies. As a travel specialist, the objective is to create, in partnership with recognized insurance companies (Europ Assistance, AXA, AIG, Allianz, etc.), specific contracts for all situations related to vacations. It is then up to the Chapka teams to market these contracts. These teams are at your disposal for any further questions by phone +331. or by email at info@chapka.fr
Cap Explorer
This is the ideal Chapka Insurance solution for your next vacation abroad. It is a "drawer" offer
It is a "drawer" offer that allows you to subscribe only to the options you need:
Multi-risk: This is the broadest coverage that includes cancellation and assistance with reimbursement at the first euro.
This is the same coverage as the multi-risk contract but it comes in addition to your insurance contract linked to your bank card.
It works with Gold Mastercard, Visa Premier, Infinite, Platinium, American Express. Basically it will cost you less than the Multirisk because you already pay your CB.
Assistance. This is the same as the comprehensive insurance without the cancellation option.
Cancellation for all the justified causes we mentioned before but also flight delays. At Capka you have 48 hours to subscribe this insurance after the purchase of your stay/ticket (payment of the first deposit): The TGV that brings me to the airport breaks down and I miss my plane, my uncle dies the day before my departure, I have to go to the airport.
I have a sudden tax audit, I break my leg a week before departure, my boss changes my vacation at the last minute... last minute... However, these causes do not fit into the justified: I don't want to go anymore, I prefer Paris under the rain under the rain, my girlfriend left me, I'm too sad to travel without her, I had without her, I had a breakdown of my alarm clock...
What travel insurance does Covid cover?
Given the current situation, I am sure that this is THE question that is on your mind the most when booking your next vacation. Well no change, at Chapka Insurance, it is always Cap Explorer that will answer this question. You will be covered if you :
take out the Covid 19
before departure and have to cancel
on the spot. All your medical expenses and a possible repatriation will be taken in charge
are quarantined before departure and therefore must also cancel
Are unable to board due to thermal or other health checks
are in a country where a confinement is put in place by the authorities. Your expenses, in case of impossible return, will be covered.
you are quarantined at your place of stay and cannot return. In this case also your expenses are covered by the insurance.
On the other hand, it should be noted that if you book and take out cancellation insurance, but in the following weeks the country changes the conditions of entry into the country and you no longer respect them, in this case you will not be covered and no insurance policy currently does this (unless I am mistaken).
How to get a travel insurance ?
With Chapka Assurance, once you have made your choice and contacted the team if you feel the need, everything is done online. Indeed, after a few clicks and having made the payment, via a secured space, you will receive in your email box your insurance certificate. On this certificate you will find the emergency contacts to have with you during your stay to benefit from your coverage in case of need.
Don't panic if you are asked for an original certificate of insurance, just ask the Chapka team and we will send it to your home address.
How are you doing with travel insurance? Are you the type of person who doesn't take any, who is satisfied with your credit card or who is currently wondering how to change your way of doing things after the Covid?
Pas de panique si on vous demande une attestation originale de cette assurance, une simple demande aux équipes Chapka et on vous l’envoie par courrier à votre domicile.
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